2018 Mitchell Summer Research Scholarships Awarded
Every year, the Physics Department awards six to ten Mitchell Summer Fellowships to rising third or fourth year declared physics majors. The awards are currently $5,000, for summer research with a faculty member of the department. For summer 2018, the following awards have been made:
Nick Anderson to work with Prof. Hirosky on new more sensitive light detector chips to be used at CERN.
Ben Barton to work with Prof. Group on a cosmic ray detector to monitor an experiment at Fermilab.
Colin Crovella to work with Prof. Baessler, at the Laue-Langevin Institute in Grenoble, France, on ultracold neutron detection.
Xiaochuan Ding to work with Prof. Pocanic on neutron beta decay, an experiment at Oak Ridge Lab.
Jiwan (Jesse) Han to work with Prof. Cox at CERN, upgrading one of the major detectors.
Chris Li to work with Prof. Vaman, on understanding the fundamentals of gravity, a major unsolved problem in physics.
John (Charlie) Maier to work with Prof. Teo on the properties of bilayer graphene, a fascinating new material.
Ruhi Pavartam to work with Prof. Neu, upgrading a major detector at CERN.
Ephraiem Sarabamoun to work with Prof. Shivaram search for room temperature metamagnets.
Brian Seymour to work with Prof. Yagi, probing fundamentals of general relativity, analyzing binary pulsar observations.