Bascom Deaver

Bascom Deaver

Ph.D., 1962, Stanford
Professor Emeritus and Research Professor

Experimental Condensed Matter Physics

Research Interests

With more than 30 years experience in superconductive electronics including research on quantized flux, the Josephson effects, SQUIDs, and superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) tunnel junctions, Prof. Deaver is co-director of the Far Infrared Receiver Laboratory, where the research is a collaboration between Physics and Electrical Engineering faculty and students. Dr. Thomas Crowe, Research Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, is also co-director of the Far Infrared Receiver Laboratory. Members of this group are investigating new detectors, both semiconductor and superconducting, to increase the sensitivity with which electro-magnetic radiation in the frequency range 0.3-3 THz can be measured. They are measuring the response of Schottky diode and superconducting (SIS) mixers and detectors and of superconducting bolometric mixers, comparing their performance with theoretical predictions, and developing improved receivers using them. They are also investigating new solid state far infrared sources including multipliers, side-band generators and arrays.

News Items

The Deaver Scholarships were established to honor Bascom S. Deaver, a retired physics department professor, and are awarded to students who have declared or are intending to pursue an ......More >
Deaver's seminal work with William Fairbank on magnetic flux quantization is featured in a Physics Focus: Landmarks article (More >
Honoring 45 years of service in the UVA Physics Department . . .A Retirement Symposium and Reception CelebrationforBascom DeaveronMay 12, 2010 at 1:00pmRoom 204, Physics ......More >